Butterfly Cross Blue Lives Matter


Janet Swahn Original Art: Butterfly Cross Series: Blue Lives Matter | Medium: Mixed Media Painting on Canvas | Canvas Size: 20×20 with 1″ Painted Wrapped Side

To be transformed from a caterpillar, who is needy and dependent, to an independent butterfly, he must go through the metamorphosis process. Our transition is similar to the caterpillar: We are needy and bound to earthly things until we go through the healing and restoration process that God desires in our lives.

When I met Rhonda at Bible study and heard her story of losing her son in the line of duty, my heart ached for her. And if the loss wasn’t heartwrenching, her husband suffered a fatal heart attack while at the hospital with their son. Rhonda shared about an organization she supports and I immediately knew that I wanted to be involved so offered to donate a painting. The organization is C.O.P.S and you can learn more at